Webdesigner &

Organic Websites
Handmade in Cornwall

Helping small start-ups (with small budgets) develop an online personality

Organic Websites Handmade in Cornwall

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Here's one I made earlier...

Stig Lindholm — Web Designer, Developer (and writer).

2 June 2024

I am a freelance web designer and developer based in South West Cornwall.

I <Design> and <Develop> websites from a blank page—no templates or Wordpress here, although I do use the <Wordpress> platform to run blog and news pages—what Wordpress was originally developed for. So yes, I can develop with Wordpress but for security reasons, and a purist perspective, I prefer to develop from scratch—literally a blank page—using HTML, CSS, PHP, and Javascript. That way I can create a truly unique website without the sameness that some template websites display.

My niche is helping small start-ups develop an online personality—their voice on the World Wide Web. Your business website will generate more leads, which in turn will generate more income.

I will help you with everything to ensure your new website is found by your potential customers, and that enquiries are converted into income. There are several ways I achieve this.

1. First up—a smart website. One that looks good, is engaging, and is easy to navigate. All of these are important. Your website can be either a brochure site, with information about your business and a call to action, or an <E-Commerce> website—your online shop.

2. A <Responsive Design> that looks good on all devices and in all browser sizes. Having a mobile friendly website ranks highly with Google as more than 75% of web browsing is carried out on mobile devices.

3. <Search Engine Optimised> (SEO) content. The use of key words in your website’s written content relevant to your business and its location, both nationally and locally. This will help Google (and other search engines) to find your website. To help with this process I also submit a sitemap to Google; “Hey, look Google, we’re here.”

4. Another favourite of Google is fresh content. Google likes the people who search the web to be informed and enlightened. That’s where a <Blog>, or <News page>—call it what you like—comes in to action. I develop blog/news pages using the Wordpress platform to match your website. All you have to do is publish that enlightening content using the Wordpress CMS.

5. Once all of the above is done your website will need to be hosted. If you already own a domain name and subscribe to a hosting provider that’s great, otherwise I can provide <Web Hosting>, including one FREE domain name. We all love free stuff.

6. Having a website and domain name means you can have a <Professional Email> address: yourname@yourdomain.com instead of yourname25@yahoo.com

7. As an additional feature, using that professional Email, I can set up an <Email Marketing> strategy for you.

8. One other feature you might be interested in is your own <Content Management System> (CMS), which allows you to edit the content of your website yourself.

How much does all of this cost? That’s difficult to answer. It’s like asking how much is a house?—it depends on location, how much land the house occupies, and how many bedrooms. If there are out buildings, swimming pools etc, these are all extra features that add value to the house.

Rest assured—a new website won't cost as much as a house.

PLEASE contact me for more information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Stig Lindholm

P.S. You don't necessarily have to be a business to have a website. Perhaps you have something to tell the world (a blog), or show (a photo gallery), whatever it is I'm here to help with your online presence.

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Please get in touch to chat about your new website...
